Hiring & Onboarding

When to Start Looking for Intern

Ideally, 实习职位描述至少在计划开始日期前2-3个月发布,候选人有一个月的时间提交申请.  当学生被要求确定课程安排和注册截止日期时,考虑一下总是有帮助的.  Typically, 学生需要在8月的最后一周获得实习机会,才能获得秋季学期学分, the second week of January for Winter semester credit, and the first week of May for Spring/Summer semester credit.  

Handshake & Job Posting

通过我们的在线招聘系统发布招聘机会, Handshake 使所有GVSU学生和校友都可以访问您的列表-并且快速,简单和免费!


发布并获得GVSU就业中心的批准, 雇主及张贴必须符合以下标准:

  • 提供完整的组织联系信息(组织名称), address, organization URL, organization description, contact name, organizational email address for contact, contact phone number).
  • Adhere to NACE Professional Standards for University Relations & Recruiting.
  • Conform to applicable Equal Opportunity Employment laws and related legislation.
  • 自首次发布之日起满一年的,不予批准.
  • To ensure maximum exposure, 我们建议到期日在初始发布日期的两周到六个月之间.
  • No fees of any kind may be charged to students or alumni.
  • 与使用或分发娱乐性或医用大麻或相关产品有关的工作机会将不会张贴或批准(view policy).


面试实习候选人和面试长期职位候选人没有什么不同. 这是招聘过程中很重要的一步,因为你要确保实习生能提供你所需要的技能和能力.  To reduce bias in your interview and hiring process, follow the best practices found here.   

If you have never conducted an interview before, 你会在下面找到一个范例提纲,其中包括利用面试找到最佳候选人的有用提示.

  • Open the interview
    • Provide an overview of the interview
    • 表明学生稍后将有机会提问
  • Ask questions and gather information 
    • Tell me about yourself
    • Why are you interested in this position/organization
    • What are your short and long term career goals
    • Behavioral-based questions:
      • Tell me about a time you:
        • Had to deal with a conflict
        • Worked as part of a team
        • Used creativity to solve a problem
        • Dealt with a difficult customer/supervisor/colleague
        • Managed a stressful situation
        • Handled multiple tasks simultaneously
    • What are your strengths/weaknesses
    • 与你所在领域使用的技术/方法相关的具体问题
    • Questions to avoid:
      • How old are you? Do you have a disability? Are you married/have kids? What is your nationality?
  • Allow for the candidate to ask questions 
    • Be prepared to answer questions about the position, expected training, department structure, department services
    • Assess the quality of the student’s questions
  • Give information 
    • 讨论学生是否适合这个职位,以确保你的需求得到满足
  • Wrap-Up 
    • 简要描述一下接下来的步骤,估计一下学生什么时候会收到你的来信
  • 根据职位要求对候选人进行评估
  • Follow up with candidates promptly
    • Present offer to the candidate that you have chosen
    • 向不符合你要求的学生发送拒绝信

Hiring International Students

雇主在大学校园招聘国际本科生或研究生时最常见的签证类型是F-1和J-1签证.  These are for either full-time or internship opportunities.  

持F-1签证满一学年且学习成绩良好的学生可以在校外工作.  Such work authorization is granted for two reasons: 

  • The student has sustained unforeseen economic hardship
  • An employer is unable to hire a U.S. worker for the position and wants to hire the student.  In this case, 雇主必须提交一份证明,证明其已招聘60天未成功,并将支付与该地理区域工作相同或更高的工资

在学校上课期间,学生每周工作时间不得超过20小时, 但可能会在假期和休假期间全职工作,包括学期间的休息时间, 如果学生打算注册下个学期.  

Curricular Practical Training:
F-1学生可以在完成教育计划之前进行课程实践培训,作为其教育经历的一部分.  移民局将这种类型的培训定义为“工作/学习交替”, internship, cooperative education, 或者由赞助雇主通过与学校的协议提供的任何其他类型的必要实习或实习."

Post-Completion Practical Training:
这是在学生完成全部课程学习后,与学生的主要学习领域直接相关的临时工作.  本培训的授权可授予最多12个月的全职或兼职工作.  那些持学生签证的人只能获得一次此类培训的授权.  

*Information above provided by Rochelle Kaplan, 全国大学与雇主协会(NACE)总法律顾问.  经版权所有人,全国大学与雇主协会许可分享.  

有关这些和其他与招聘相关的法律问题的更多信息,请访问 www,naceweb.org.  一个额外的资源包括密歇根大学的全球人才保留计划 www.migtri.org.

Welcoming Your New Intern

让新员工在你的部门感到受欢迎和舒适是非常重要的.  这将帮助学生适应他/她的角色, in turn, provide you with the results you’re looking for faster.


  • Review organization and department missions
  • Give the student a feel for the organizational structure, 提供组织结构图或带有电话号码的员工名单
  • Explain the need-to-know items. 这些可能需要根据虚拟实习经历进行调整.
    • Specific work dates and times
    • Office hours, breaks, and lunches
    • Intranet
    • Using office equipment, i.e., computer, phone
    • Dress code
    • Attendance and punctuality
  • Review organizational and employee policies (**重要的是要注意,您将需要审查组织的技术政策,因为它涉及到个人使用)
  • Review the position and complete any needed forms
    • Establish learning objectives
    • Identify and discuss main projects
    • Job description
    • Results expected
    • Action plan
  • Set weekly meetings with your student to review projects, provide feedback, and provide opportunities for reflective learning
  • 定期召开评估会议(实习30天一次,实习结束一次)
  • 通知学生他们需要参加的部门或员工会议      
  • 确定一个备用导师或支持人员,如果他们的常规导师不在,他们可以回答学生的问题
  • Ensure that your student understands their responsibilities
  • 带领员工参观工厂,并介绍员工