
2018 - 2019年本科 & 研究生目录



For additional information about opportunities your college offers, please refer to the College of Health Professions section of this catalog.

Website: keytsk.dftractor.com/grad/dosimetry



医疗剂量测量师是放射肿瘤学团队的关键成员,他们了解放射肿瘤学治疗机器和设备的总体特征和临床相关性,并具有与医学物理学家合作产生辐射剂量分布和剂量计算所需的教育和专业知识, 辐射治疗, 放射肿瘤学家. 医学剂量测量师使用计算机软件设计放射计划,利用外部x射线束和内部辐射源治疗癌症和良性疾病. 剂量测量师试图尽量减少对健康结构的辐射暴露,但却故意向目标结构提供高剂量的辐射. 他们与医生密切合作, 治疗师, and physicists to ensure a high-quality treatment and patient care.


在完成12个月(三个学期)的混合专业学习课程后,该计划授予医学剂量学理学硕士学位. 目前有专业临床预约的学生可以选择兼职(最多六个学期)。. 学生被录取后开始专业课程(见申请程序)。. 在混合专业课程中, 学生参与课程包括人体解剖学, 截面解剖学, physiology, 临床应用, 病理生理学, physics, 医学物理学, 医疗剂量测定程序, 专业的问题, 以及研究方法. The curriculum combines traditional classroom sessions with Web-based instruction, 案例研究, and problem-based learning (PBL) to provide students with the knowledge, 批判性思维能力, and clinical acumen to become practicing clinical medical dosimetrists upon graduation. Students spend the entire length of the program in a practicing medical dosimetry clinical education center. Clinical education varies from two to four days per week and clinical locations are across the United States. As part of the master's degree curriculum, students must complete a research project or thesis.. Students are encouraged to submit their research to a national forum upon completion.

All applicants must meet the prerequisites and criteria for admission to the M.S. program, realizing that some bring with them a wealth of life and career experience that enriches the diversity of the program.


大峡谷州立大学医学剂量学项目获得了放射技术教育联合审查委员会(JRCERT)的认可。. 该程序遵循JRCERT标准. Students have the right to notify the JRCERT if they believe the university is not adhering to these standards. JRCERT在北纬20度. Wacker Dr., Suite 2850, Chicago, IL 60606-3182, phone (312) 704-5300 (www.jrcert.org). 该认证符合课程毕业生参加国家医疗剂量师认证委员会(MDCB)考试的资格要求, 成功完成后, 授予注册医疗剂量师(CMD)称号.


Admission to the medical dosimetry program is competitive. Application can be made through the GVSU graduate admission website at keytsk.dftractor.com/grad/dosimetry/. Initial review of applications for fall begins December 15; rolling admissions accepted until all clinical placements are filled. 在申请时,学生必须提交一份计划,说明如何在课程开始之前完成先决条件和本科学位要求. 被选中参加该计划并能在计划开始之前证明完成这些要求的申请人将获得有条件录取通知书, which will convert to full admission 成功完成后 of the entire plan. A plan for completion should be submitted as an additional page to the application. 这个文档没有表格.

对医学剂量学感兴趣的高三学生必须完成一份科罗拉多州立大学的本科申请 keytsk.dftractor.com/admissions/. During their freshman year, they will begin their pre-professional studies and declare a major. The most common and recommended major for students admitted to Grand Valley is radiation therapy. Students must complete a secondary application for admission into the undergraduate radiation therapy program.

对医学剂量学感兴趣的本科转学生必须完成一份科罗拉多州立大学的本科申请 keytsk.dftractor.com/admissions/. 我们强烈鼓励学生在大三开始之前或之前转学到格兰德谷,以确保完成他们的本科学位和专业预科要求. 申请放射治疗项目的学生应该咨询来自博天堂官方卫生专业学生服务学院的学术顾问, preferably before entering Grand Valley or very soon thereafter: keytsk.dftractor.com/chpss.


  • 学术成就. A minimum grade of C must be attained in all prerequisite coursework. 申请人必须证明至少3.0 GPA in the prerequisite coursework and in their last 60 hours of coursework to be considered for admission. All prerequisite coursework and a bachelor's degree are required prior to admission to the program.
  • 医疗保健经验. 至少16小时的志愿者/有偿医疗服务经验或2 - 3小时的工作见习经验证明.
  • References. 必须在研究生申请中的大学推荐表格上提交卫生专业人员的三份推荐信. 不需要将推荐信与推荐信分开. 只接受三份推荐信.
  • 写作样本. Satisfactory individual writing samples are required of all final applicants.
  • 先决条件. The following courses or their equivalents must be completed prior to admission:

BMS 250 -解剖学和生理学I

BMS 251 -解剖学和生理学II

PHY 220 -普通物理I with Lab

PHY 221 -普通物理II with Lab

RI 401 -计算机应用

RIS 441 -断层解剖学

ris320 -放射成像原理

RIT 322 -辐射生物学

ris458 -肿瘤病理生理学

RIT 330 -放射治疗的原理及实务I

RIT 331 -放射治疗原理及实务I实验室

  • 建议修读以下课程:

MTH 201 -微积分I

  • Foreign-born applicants should be able to communicate well in English. Test scores from the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), or IELTS (International English Language Testing System), 或MELAB(密歇根英语语言评估单元)或PTE学术(皮尔逊英语学术测试)对于母语不是英语的申请人. The following minimum scores are expected: TOEFL is 80, IELTS is 6.5、MELAB 77分,PTE学术53分.
  • 国际学生 For an applicant to obtain a student F-1 student visa for studies in the USA, federal regulations require that the majority of the program be offered in-seat at the designated school. Although our medical dosimetry program does require students to meet periodically in person, the fact that it is primarily done online impacts access to a student visa. Student's seeking an F-1 visa for program studies in the USA will not be eligible for this program. 值得注意的是,这并不适用于居住在国外的拥有美国公民身份或美国绿卡身份的学生.


大峡谷州立大学 is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution. It encourages diversity and provides equal opportunity in education, 就业, 所有的程序, 以及对其设施的使用. 申请人不考虑年龄, color, 残疾, 家族的地位, height, 婚姻状况, 国家的起源, 政治面貌, race, religion, 性/性别, 性取向, 资深地位, or weight. 激励因素, 生活经历, 病人护理经验, maturity, 在个人面试和推荐中评估的个人特征是选择过程中的重要因素. 申请人的学习成绩很重要,因为它是在密集和严格的医学课程中取得成功的能力指标.


  • 必修课程的平均成绩
  • Academic grade point average from the last 60 credits of college or university
  • 撰写评估/个人陈述
  • 医疗保健经验: Minimum of 16 hours of volunteer/paid or two or three hours job shadowing experience
  • 建议
  • 其他领导考虑事项


完成了37个专业课程学分的证明,学生才能获得硕士学位.S. 医学剂量学学位. 一般的研究生学术政策和法规可以在本目录的其他地方或在大峡谷州立大学研究生公告中找到.

除了, for each RMD course or a discrete unit of instruction in the professional curriculum, a minimum proficiency level of 80 percent on all evaluations as described in each course syllabus is required. A minimum grade of B- or higher is required for passing all RMD courses. 此外,GPA不能低于3分.0 in any semester or the student may be placed on academic probation or dismissed from the program.


该计划还赞同在专业学习过程中不断进步的信念,以汇编能力. 人际关系技巧, 沟通技巧, 责任, 和职业精神, 等, are identified as being crucial for success in the profession. Advancement in skill and behavior applicable to such abilities is expected during the professional curriculum. 临床评估包括情感技能的测量,这些技能必须通过临床建议项目不断满足,以便学生继续参加临床教育课程. 未能在临床咨询项目中取得足够的进展将导致该课程不及格. 本课程的所有学生都应遵守体现医学实践和医学剂量学专业的道德原则. Community service is also expected as is professional scholarship achievements while enrolled in the program.

Criminal background checks and drug screening is required prior to admission into the program. 入学后, some clinical education centers require additional criminal background checks and drug screenings. These requirements for attendance at clinical education centers are carried out by the GVSU Compliance Office. 对任何合规办公室要求的积极调查结果可能会对GVSU的教育过程或未来作为医疗剂量师的资格产生负面影响. 这些评估或任何其他必要的临床实习评估的费用由申请人或学生负责.




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