

A variety of circumstances might require you to take your classes online with minimal notice. 为了保持学术的连续性, faculty should consider these questions first: How will I communicate with my students? 我如何提供课程资料? 学生对课程内容的兴趣是什么? 作业是什么样的? 考试和测验将如何进行? How can I ensure that students have access to support services? Recognizing that each course is different 和 that there are more complex questions to answer, we are starting now with a series of foundational interactive sessions to assist faculty (和 staff) in their 规划. 



Looking for assistance in remote teaching, beyond Blackboard use? 请随意 注册一个20分钟的虚拟预约 和皮尤大学的教师顾问.


A number of faculty have expressed interest in helping colleagues transition to remote teaching. Access a crowdsourcing document set up with the intent of connecting faculty with colleagues who have expertise in certain applications, strategies, apps, etc. If you have a particular expertise that you are willing to share, 此页面还允许您添加您的姓名, 联系信息, 以及支持的领域. 

远程教学春季2020 - PD选项

As 大峡谷州立大学 plans for quality remote offerings in the Spring 2020 semester, a 新的专业发展选项菜单 因为教师已经被创造出来了. Taking a self-directed 和 competency-based approach, we have gathered streamlined options that take into account varying educational technology experience levels 和 unique disciplinary contexts. 


寻求远程教学的帮助, 远程工作, 为你的课程寻找资源, or have questions about policies 和 emerging practices? Consult these pages for great information, personal assistance 和 answers to your questions. 我们都是来帮忙的.  

Virtual, Asynchronous Professional Development re. 远程教学策略

在过去的一周, 这么多新网站, 教学指导, 和 compendia of strategies have come our way, 这是相当压倒性的. 以下是我们最喜欢的一些. We reserve the right to add 和 subtract from this list; we also welcome your contributions! A common thread through these resources is the notion of 沟通 (经常) 同情 (the context of learning right now for instructors 和 learners is not neutral), 和 谨慎 (try new things, but don't overwhelm yourself or your students. 

  • 做这个,不做那个 - an infographic from a blog post by Alison Yang; scroll down for a great "thumbs up, thumbs down" summary of online teaching strategies
  • ACUE在线教学工具包 - a free 和 open sampling from the excellent 有效教学实践课程 that an intrepid group of GVSU faculty are currently taking this year
  • 20分钟导师共享资源 - access our subscription to the Magna Publications library of 20 min. video programs around particular teaching techniques/approaches; downloadable assignments 和 detailed guides accompany the videos making this a rich resource in response to specific teaching questions; contact us for the access code 和 instructions  
  • Remote Teaching 资源 for Business Continuity 和 COVID-19期间的高等教育指导 ——尽管标题不祥, these crowdsourced spreadsheets provide links to many remote teaching resource pages from other universities


In the event that an emergency results in a disruption in your teaching, consider ways in which you can maintain academic continuity. Several of our Teaching 和 Learning Center colleagues on other campuses have prepared helpful guides for faculty. We invite you to review these resources to ensure that you are as prepared as possible:

Rule of 2's: Keep in Simple as You Go Remote for COVID19他来自普利茅斯州立大学
A delightfully simple 和 helpful 规划 framework, including a downloadable worksheet 和 examples 

Keeping Teaching During Prolonged Campus or Building Closures, Indiana University
We draw your attention to these pages in the guide, 第一步:开始 第二步:策略

Additional strategies for communicating 和 working with students online, both from a pedagogical 和 a technological st和point   

Going Online in a Hurry, Chronicle of Higher Education  

Teaching Effectively During Times of Disruption, Stanford University 
详细的指南, while utilizing different videoconferencing 和 LMS technologies, 有什么特别好的想法吗.

Accessible Teaching in the Time of COVID-19, Aimi Hamraie, Critical Design Lab
教育学, 网络策略, 和 helpful student survey questions from a disability culture 和 community site

Trauma Informed Teaching 和 Learning Online: Principles 和 Practices During a Global 健康 Crisis 

博天堂官方网页COVID-19的信息来源, 应对潜在的偏见, 恐惧, 与COVID-19相关的歧视, 促进具有挑战性的讨论




规划, 管理通胀预期, 与学生交流, 分享课程资料, 评估学习, 校内和校外支持资源




Synchronous Communication using Blackboard Collaborate

utilizing the online collaborative learning tool Collaborate to engage learners  

Blackboard Collaborate 资源 (How To Guides)


Synchronous Communication using Blackboard Collaborate RECORDING


recording, editing, uploading video content, ensuring accessibility



用Panopto创建视频内容 RECORDING


optimizing your Blackboard course for teaching online by adding course materials 和 readings, creating 和 collecting assignments 和 using discussion boards to foster 沟通; this session allows ample time for your Blackboard questions to be answered


