
2024 包容性卓越教学学院 (Three-Day Institute)

  • Friday, May 17; 9:30am-3pm
  • Friday, 5月31日; 9:30am-3pm
  • Friday, June 14; 9:30am-3pm

This is a THREE-DAY institute that will meet for three full days in May/June 202 in-person in JHZ 3062 (Zumberge in 艾伦代尔); May 17, 5月31日, 6月14日. 的 Institute will meet from 9:30AM-3PM for each of the dates with a one-hour break for lunch. 注册人应出席所有会议.

全纳教学包括 刻意的努力 by faculty to create a learning environment that attends to and supports the needs of students with a variety of backgrounds, 学习的兴趣, 和能力. Inclusive pedagogical strategies shape the dynamics in teaching-learning spaces, 影响个人在这些空间中的体验, 并影响课程和课程设计. Inclusive teaching attends to the range of identities in the classroom and helps all students feel equally valued.

的 包容性卓越教学学院 is specifically designed to provide Affiliate and Tenure-Track faculty at all ranks with a transformative space to learn and strategize about inclusive excellence in teaching and learning. 的 Institute will encourage an atmosphere of cultural humility through the examination of social identity and bias. 激励框架, 不同学生的学习障碍, 此外,还将引入积极主动的战略. Essential pedagogical approaches that promote an inclusive classroom environment will be modeled and explored. 通过预先指定的阅读材料, 访问组Bb网站, 促进讨论, participants will begin the process of transforming their courses/curriculum, 单位, 和大学. 该研究所将由博士. Chasity Bailey-Fakhoury和Sherry Johnson. 

For more information, please contact Chasity Bailey-Fakhoury at (电子邮件保护).

报名人数限制为16名教员. 注册在 发芽.

2023 包容性卓越教学学院 (Virtual Three-Day Institute)

  • Thursday, May 11; 9am-3pm
  • Tuesday, 5月23日; 9am-3pm
  • Thursday, June 8; 9am-3pm

This is a THREE-DAY institute that will meet for three full days in May/June 2023 via Zoom; May 11, 5月23日, 和6月8日. 的 Institute will meet virtually from 9AM-3PM for each of the dates with a one-hour break for lunch. 注册人应出席所有会议.

全纳教学包括 刻意的努力 by faculty to create a learning environment that attends to and supports the needs of students with a variety of backgrounds, 学习的兴趣, 和能力. Inclusive pedagogical strategies shape the dynamics in teaching-learning spaces, 影响个人在这些空间中的体验, 并影响课程和课程设计. Inclusive teaching attends to the range of identities in the classroom and helps all students feel equally valued.

的 包容性卓越教学学院 is specifically designed to provide Affiliate and Tenure-Track faculty at all ranks with a transformative space to learn and strategize about inclusive excellence in teaching and learning. 的 Institute will encourage an atmosphere of cultural humility through the examination of social identity and bias. 激励框架, 不同学生的学习障碍, 此外,还将引入积极主动的战略. Essential pedagogical approaches that promote an inclusive classroom environment will be modeled and explored. 通过预先指定的阅读材料, 访问组Bb网站, 促进讨论, participants will begin the process of transforming their courses/curriculum, 单位, 和大学.

For more information, please contact Chasity Bailey-Fakhoury at (电子邮件保护).

报名人数限制为12名教员. 注册在 发芽.

2022 包容性卓越教学学院 (Virtual Three-Day Institute)

  • May 13; 9am-3pm
  • 5月27日; 9am-3pm
  • June 10; 9am-3pm

This is a THREE-DAY Institute that will meet for three full Fridays in May/June 2022 via zoom; May 13, 5月27日, 6月10日. 的 Institute will meet virtually from 9am-3pm for each of the aforementioned dates with a one-hour break for lunch. 注册者应全天出席.

全纳教学包括 刻意的努力 by faculty to create a learning environment that attends to and supports the needs of students with a variety of backgrounds, 学习的兴趣, 和能力. Inclusive pedagogical strategies shape the dynamics in teaching-learning spaces, 影响个人在这些空间中的体验, 并影响课程和课程设计. Inclusive teaching attends the range of identities in the classroom and helps all students feel equally valued. 

包容性卓越教学学院 is specifically designed to provide Affiliate and Tenure-Track faculty at all ranks with a transformative space to learn and strategize about inclusive excellence n teaching and learning. 的 Institute will encourage an atmosphere of cultural humility through the examination of social identity and bias. 激励框架, 不同学生的学习障碍 此外,还将引入积极主动的战略. Essential pedagogical approaches that promote an inclusive classroom environment will be modeled and explored. 通过预先指定的阅读材料, 访问组Bb站点, 促进讨论, participants will begin the process of transforming their courses/curriculum, 单位及学院. 

For more information, please contact Chasity Bailey-Fakhoury at (电子邮件保护)




  • 5月14日
  • 5月28日
  • 6月11日

该学院将于5月14日开始th but meeting three times in total—on 5月14日, May 18, and 6月11日.  参加者应出席所有三天.

全纳教学包括  刻意的努力  by faculty to create a learning environment that attends to and supports he needs of students with a variety of backgrounds, 学习的兴趣, 和能力. Inclusive pedagogical strategies shape the dynamics in teaching-learning spaces, 影响个人在这些空间中的体验, 并影响课程和课程设计. Inclusive teaching attends the range of identities in the classroom and helps all students feel equally valued.

的  包容性卓越教学学院  is specifically designed to provide Affiliate and Tenure-Track faculty at all ranks with a transformative space to learn and strategize about inclusive excellence in teaching and learning. 的 Institute will encourage an atmosphere of cultural humility through the examination of social identity and bias. 激励框架, 不同学生的学习障碍 此外,还将引入积极主动的战略. Essential pedagogical approaches that promote an inclusive classroom environment will be modeled and explored. 通过预先指定的阅读材料, 访问组Bb网站, 促进讨论, participants will begin the process of transforming their courses/curriculum, 单位及学院.

欲知详情,请浏览: 包容的卓越 或联系 (电子邮件保护)



5月15日,5月29日,6月12日,JHZ 3068

全纳教学包括 刻意的努力 by faculty to create a learning environment that attends to and supports he needs of students with a variety of backgrounds, 学习的兴趣, 和能力. Inclusive pedagogical strategies shape the dynamics in teaching-learning spaces, 影响个人在这些空间中的体验, 并影响课程和课程设计. Inclusive teaching attends the range of identities in the classroom and helps all students feel equally valued.

的 包容性卓越教学学院 is specifically designed to provide Affiliate and Tenure-Track faculty at all ranks with a transformative space to learn and strategize about inclusive excellence in teaching and learning. 的 Institute will encourage an atmosphere of cultural humility through the examination of social identity and bias. 激励框架, 不同学生的学习障碍 此外,还将引入积极主动的战略. Essential pedagogical approaches that promote an inclusive classroom environment will be modeled and explored. 通过预先指定的阅读材料, 访问组Bb网站, 促进讨论, participants will begin the process of transforming their courses/curriculum, 单位及学院.

研习班将从上午9点开始.m.—3 p.m. 每周五由皮尤自由贸易委员会提供午餐.  留出时间进行预读和准备, 报名截止日期是星期五, 4月24日, 2020.



2019年5月31日,6月7日,6月14日. JHZ 3068.

This is a THREE-DAY Institute that will be held over three consecutive Fridays (5月31日, June 7, & 6月14日上午9点开始.m.—3 p.m.  它适用于单位主管和助理/副院长.

全纳教学包括 刻意的努力 by faculty to create a learning environment that attends to and supports the needs of students with a variety of backgrounds, 学习的兴趣, 和能力.  Inclusive pedagogical strategies shape the dynamics in teaching-learning spaces, 影响个人在这些空间中的体验, 并影响课程和课程设计.  Inclusive teaching attends the range of identities in the classroom and helps all students feel equally valued.

今年春天, 包容性卓越教学学院, 为期3天的强化工作坊, is specifically designed to provide Unit Heads and Assistant/Associate Dean's with a transformative space to learn and strategize about inclusive excellence in teaching and learning.  的 Institute will encourage an atmosphere of cultural humility through the examination of social identity bias.  动机, 不同学生的学习障碍 此外,还将引入积极主动的战略.  除了, pedagogical approaches that promote an inclusive classroom environment will be modeled and explored.  通过预先指定的阅读材料, 访问小组黑板网站, 促进讨论, participants will begin the process of transforming their courses/curriculum, 单位及学院.

研习班将从上午9点开始.m.—3 p.m. 每周五由皮尤自由贸易委员会提供午餐.  留出时间进行预读和准备, 报名截止日期是星期五, May 3, 2019.



2018年5月2日、3日和4日. JHZ 3068

Inclusive excellence refers to the use of pedagogical strategies that address the needs of students with a variety of backgrounds, 学习的兴趣, 和能力. 的se strategies contribute to an overall inclusive learning environment, 学生们觉得自己被同等重视. In order to provide faculty with an opportunity to learn more about inclusive excellence in teaching and learning, 皮尤国际贸易委员会, in partnership with the Division of Inclusion and Equity offer the 包容性卓越教学学院 (IETI).

从5月2日至4日为期3天的密集研讨会开始, 2018, the IETI is designed for Tenure track and Affiliate faculty who are new to the idea of engaging difference in the classroom, 但他们准备将包容性作为教学的重点. 的 Institute will foster cultural humility in the classroom through examination of social identity, 确定不同学生群体的学习障碍, 我将建模, 以及, explore pedagogical approaches which promote an inclusive classroom environment. 通过预先指定的阅读和促进讨论, faculty will begin the process of transforming their courses to reflect various aspects of inclusion.  Faculty who complete the 3 day intensive spring workshop will be given access to a group blackboard site and continue to meet monthly throughout the fall semester to reconnect and discuss the progress made in transforming their courses.

在秋季学期结束时,参与者提交欢迎信, inclusive syllabus and a written reflection on how they have applied insights/materials garnered from participation in the Institute. 参与者将获得500美元.00元的专业发展基金,让学员全面参与. 联系达纳·蒙克,皮尤中心教员研究员, (电子邮件保护) 了解更多信息.


访问我们的 包容性教学资源页面

数字徽章Click here to earn a badge for the 2017 包容性卓越教学学院.  For more information about the FacultyBadges@GVSU Initiative, 访问本网站.
