Students discuss their research projects with peers during 学生学者日


数百名来自不同学术领域的学生 disciplines unveiled their research and creative projects during the 4月10日是第28届学生学者日. 

自1996年以来,大峡谷的学生参加了 the event, giving them the spotlight to discuss with peers, faculty and mentors their research, data and methods while developing an 授权学习经验.

“你可以看到学生们这些很酷的东西 正在做的事情,通常是在教室里或在 苏珊·门多萨(Susan Mendoza)说 本科生学者参与. 

“学生学者日允许这些演讲 与其他演讲一起提升. 我认为这是 是什么产生了兴奋的嗡嗡声. 这是一个情感事件 这被认为是智力活动.”

伊曼尼·佩里,亨利·A. 莫尔斯,小. 伊丽莎白·W. Morss Professor of Studies of Women, Gender and Sexuality and of African and African American Studies at Harvard University, opened 她将于4月9日发表主题演讲.

视觉和媒体艺术系将会有特色 artwork submitted for 学生学者日 in the atrium gallery of 考尔德艺术中心,直到4月28日. 


Associate professor of English Dan Brown helps a student with his research project during their 英语/妇女、性别和性研究 class
Associate professor of English Dan Brown helps a student with his research project during their English/Women, Gender and Sexuality 研究461班.
图片来源- Lauren Seymour

本学期,学生在丹·布朗的英语/WGS 461 class have been studying the dynamics between language and gender. 

布朗,英语副教授,通常 mentors graduate students on their research projects, so Student Scholars Day presented a perfect opportunity to introduce his class 对本科生进行学术研究的过程. 

“这对他们很有帮助,因为这是一个高影响力的活动 它代表了我们在学术界所做的事情,”布朗说. “Even just the taste of it, it's a good thing, but it requires a lot 结构和很多支持. 如果你给他们脚手架 为了它,那么最终,它是值得的."

Student Jackson 希克斯 shares a laugh with a classmate during their English/Women, 性别与性461课.
Junior Jackson 希克斯 focused his research on intonation and gender 在客户服务行业.
图片来源- Lauren Seymour

对于小杰克逊·希克斯来说,他的研究重点是 客户服务行业的语调和性别. 希克斯 他说自己在客服工作的经历激发了他的灵感 对主题的好奇心. 他说,当他帮助顾客时,他 与他的正常音域相比,说话的音调更高. 

因为这门课是围绕语言和如何 这与性别有关,我的研究着眼于是否存在 和这个更高的语调联系在一起,这是传统的 perceived as feminine, and this customer service voice because it's 担任服务角色,”希克斯说.

希克斯说,他的研究考察了为什么客户服务 representatives are trained to use a higher intonation and why the 公众已经习惯了服务人员的声音. 

“它还涉及到客户的水平 满意,”希克斯说. “人们看起来更平易近人 他们在用那种声音.”

布朗希望这段经历能引起学生们的共鸣 不管他们是否继续研究生学习. 

“仅仅是在我们的课堂之外有一个听众 对学生来说,分享他们的工作更有意义。” 布朗说. “这更能激励人. 他们觉得自己在做 学习之外的一些真实的东西.

“我认为,正因为如此,他们会重新审视它 他们会觉得这门课更有影响力.”

Aseel Ayesh

Since the age of seven, Aseel Ayesh has studied and practiced the 巴勒斯坦刺绣,tatreez.
图片来源:Kendra Stanley-Mills

感谢本科生办公室的小额资助 研究 and Scholarship, Aseel Ayesh is exploring her Palestinian 艺术遗产. 

Ayesh,正在攻读mba /MSA双学位 Seidman College of Business and is a member of the Meijer Honors College, has embarked on a creative project for 学生学者日. 

图片来源:Kendra Stanley-Mills

“我想做点不一样的事情,尤其是因为 the Honors College really focuses on broadening people's knowledge 在他们的领域之外,我从来没有真正做过任何相关的事情 巴勒斯坦。. “我认为这是一个非常好的机会 我痴迷于我所做的刺绣.”

从7岁起,Ayesh就开始学习和学习 practiced the Palestinian art of embroidery called tatreez, which 通常用来装饰被称为thobes的巴勒斯坦服饰. 

“几个世纪以来,巴勒斯坦妇女都在缝纫 他们的生活在他们的胸襟上,”阿耶什说. “每个符号都有一个 对他们的遗产、文化和故事的特殊意义, 他们的叙述和个人生活.

“每个主题也可以追溯到特定的区域. 所以你 might have a motif that represents an olive branch because they're in farming, but an olive branch for one city could be different than 向另一个城市伸出橄榄枝.”

A closeup of a segment of Ayesh's tapestry shows some of the motiffs 在tatreez注册成立.
图片来源:Kendra Stanley-Mills

虽然阿耶什的项目不会被穿,但她希望能被穿 将完成的挂毯捐赠给格兰德山谷进行展示. 她说 she began planning the design last summer and stitching in the fall semester. 

“我对这么多工作感到惊讶,”阿耶什说. “When I drafted it, I looked at archives and libraries to study each motif.

“看到这么多的细节让我大开眼界 and the thought that women used to put into their dresses and in 基本上是他们的生活.” 


凯瑟琳·盖勒 peers through one of the discs she designed and produced 用3d打印机.
凯瑟琳·盖勒 peers through one of the discs she designed and produced 用3d打印机. 光盘帮助她和其他研究人员 Annis水资源研究所 collect environmental DNA when studying 铁杉像羊毛一样坚硬.
图片来源:Kendra Stanley-Mills

在安妮斯水资源研究所工作期间, 凯瑟琳·盖勒’s unconventional tools of research included a 3-D 打印光盘,壁球和弹弓. 

盖勒一直在研究不同的监测方法 铁杉毛蕊虫的检测技术 invasive species that latches and feeds on eastern 铁杉 trees, 为她的学生学者日演讲做准备. 

凯瑟琳·盖勒 takes measurements outside in her study of 铁杉像羊毛一样坚硬.
Geller collects data from a field study of 铁杉像羊毛一样坚硬.
图片来源:Kendra Stanley-Mills

“铁杉实际上是一种非常重要的水资源 an ecosystem resource because of how they grow in a stand with a 一群人都在一个地方,”盖勒说. “它们对……至关重要 keeping the ecosystem around it very cold, which then affects any 鳟鱼产卵的冷水溪流.”

一种检测阿德莱德存在的方法包括 collecting environmental DNA with a specially-designed, 3D-printed 塑料盘. 研究人员放置了四张涂有石油的载玻片 将果冻放入盘内,并将其放置在一个东部的底部 铁杉. 载玻片捕捉附近任何动植物的DNA. 

鉴于铁杉树的参天高度,监测 然而,阿德莱德的人口增长也带来了挑战. 的 adelgid spins a cotton-like protective sack around a segment of a 铁杉 branch, allowing it to feed and reproduce in relative safety.

凯瑟琳·盖勒 works with samples in one of the labs at the Annis水资源研究所.
凯瑟琳·盖勒 works with samples in one of the labs at the Annis Water 资源研究所.
图片来源:Kendra Stanley-Mills

盖勒说,另一种数据收集方法需要 用维可牢尼龙搭扣把壁球射进铁杉的鞋面 分支机构. 研究人员把壁球扔到树冠上 so the fibers of the adelgid’s protective sack stick to the Velcro.

总的来说,盖勒说这段经历让她成为了一个 更好的学生.

我选择这个专业的原因和我选择这个专业的原因 建这个实验室是因为我喜欢到户外去,”盖勒说. “这是为 就这么简单.

“我喜欢实验室的工作. 我喜欢这种满足感,而且 I definitely could do research for the rest of my life, and I would 要乐在其中. 说实话,我想做的是 forestry or wetland management or anything where I'm more hands-on 室外工作.”


A portion of algorithmic code is shined on the face of 李维Klamer
图片来源- Amanda Pitts

大二学生利维·克莱默(李维Klamer)没有预料到会参加 in research during his time at Grand Valley, but since January he’s been developing code to analyze Grand 急流 neighborhoods and communities. 

“我突然想到,如果我进入这个领域,我就会 be getting really good personal one-on-one communication, and I’d 也在做一个高水平的独立项目,”克莱默说. 

One of 李维Klamer's projects required him to plot the bus stops across Grand 急流 and determine their accessibility for neighborhoods.
One of 李维Klamer's projects required him to plot the bus stops across Grand 急流 and determine their accessibility for neighborhoods.

主修计算机科学的克莱默一直在协助 an algorithm to factor the impact of local services across Grand 急流. 克莱默说,算法决定了邻居的位置 amenities like grocery stores, bus stops, hospitals and restaurants 缺乏.

“看到这种相关性很有趣 different services will have and how different areas are affected by 克莱默说. 

克莱默说,随着项目的进展 他的班级之间的相关性开始显现. 

“它连接了一切,因为当你在 courses, you learn a lot about many individual topics,” Klamer said. “在做这项研究时,我把很多这样的课程联系起来 以我从未有过的方式在一起.

“我辅修数学,而且我正在修一些高级别的课程 math like linear algebra, and I didn’t think I'd ever be using it. And yet, here I am using it in a project in a very effective way.”


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