湖人的监护人 Frequently Asked Questions

湖人的监护人 is a free and optional personal safety app available to GVSU students, faculty, and staff who have a GVSU login.

RAVE Guardian transforms your smartphone into a personal alarm 灯塔. In the event of an emergency, critical information you elect to share will be provided to GVPD to enable them to locate you quickly.

No. 你r privacy is of the utmost importance. 你只能被定位 如果你寻求帮助. 只有当你 choose to make an emergency call, send a tip or when your safety timer expires.

No. GVPD will only be able to obtain your information if you have 寻求帮助. 湖人的监护人 is only activated when you choose to 在智能手机上激活它.

No, GVPD is only notified of your timer expiring if you have selected GVPD to be your primary guardian or secondary guardian.

湖人的监护人 includes a false deactivation code to alert GVPD, which is one number higher than your PIN. 例如,如果您的PIN是 1234,你可以输入1235. 《博天堂官方》似乎关闭了 正常,但会通知加州警局的. 请参考你的湖人队 Guardian profile 页面 under the "Learn More" tab.

当 using the timer, the user receives a reminder message at 5 过期前1分钟和1分钟. 如果过期了,来电就会消失 active immediately to your chosen guardian(s), and they can call your 手机. 

If GVPD is your chosen guardian, the call also displays the PIN used to set the timer, and GVPD Dispatch can verify if the person on the phone is the 注册 user or is in distress.

No. 你r name, phone number and profile are displayed to GVPD when you send a tip through the 湖人的监护人 app.

To report a crime or provide information anonymously, you may contact 沉默的观察者. 

你 will opt in to this service and provide as much information as you would like as part of the registration process.

To maximize the full benefit of this service, your user profile should contain a current photo and accurate self-description. 越 information you provide in your profile, the easier it will be for 如有必要,哥谭市警局会找到你. 您的个人信息 profile will only be viewed by GVPD if you make an emergency call, send a tip, or if GVPD is your guardian when your safety timer session expires.

Personal profile information will be treated as confidential information.

是的. RAVE Mobile Safety (the provider of 湖人的监护人) uses the latest in security technologies and processes to ensure that all of your information is kept secure and private. RAVE也经历过 regular security audits to ensure the information security of data.

The features of the app will work off campus. 然而,如果你有 emergency at an off-campus location, you should dial 911. 小费 功能仅适用于校园位置.

绝对! 当 on-campus, you can contact GVPD for non-emergencies at (616)331-3255. 当 you are off-campus, call 911 or visit the 非紧急联系 页面 有关其他联系信息.

If you change your 手机 number, you should log into your Laker Guardian account and update your profile with your new number. 你 will not be asked to create a new profile. 然而,这是 perfect time to review your existing information and confirm the remainder of the information is up to date.

The basic profile features of 湖人的监护人 work on any iPhone or 安卓智能手机运行在任何美国.S.基于移动载波网络 上面安装了应用程序.

湖人的监护人 can locate most smartphone devices on the AT&T, Sprint和Verizon网络.

湖人的监护人 works with most smartphones, on practically any 航空公司. If 湖人的监护人 cannot determine your phone's location, all other profile information will be made 提供给GVPD when you use 湖人的监护人.

No. 你r 手机 will receive a text message that provides you with a confirmation number indicating that your 手机 has been 注册. No other advertisements or spam will be sent to your cell 《博天堂官方》的电话.

是的. Factors include, but are not limited to:

  • whether or not you are calling from inside a building or a “死点”
  • the strength of your cell signal, such as proximity of cell towers 或卫星
  • 不管你的手机是否开启了GPS
  • the type and quality of your phone, 航空公司 and signal

If possible, you should provide detailed location information via 文字或语音. This will enable GVPD personnel to reach you quickly 当湖人守护者被激活时.

是的. 湖人的监护人 will also work with wifi; however, the features 是有限的.

你 will still be able to send a tip or use the safety timer. 当 you make an emergency call on wifi, a voice call will not be placed, but your profile information and general location will be made 提供给GVPD.

The call 911 feature in the app works only with 手机 service.
