Confidential | Independent | Informal | Neutral



The Employee Ombuds Office offers confidential voluntary services to help faculty and staff create and maintain a positive working environment, including exploring options, communication and conflict coaching, group facilitation and feedback to campus leaders regarding 系统性的问题. 


No matter your concerns, there are many different resources that can 在大峡谷州立大学帮助你. 如果你不确定去哪里 turn, the Employee Ombuds Office can be your first contact or your 最后的手段. We offer a safe place to voice and clarify concerns but you will drive the process and decide what steps or actions you would 喜欢拿


The Ombuds shall be truthful and act with integrity, shall foster respect for all members of the University community, and shall promote procedural fairness in the content and administration of University 政策、实践和过程. Ombuds努力做到有价值 对办公室的信任.


根据… 国际监察员协会, the Employee Ombuds serves as a neutral 独立的, 非正式的, and confidential resource to help faculty and staff navigate and address workplace issues. Faculty and Staff initiate the support of the Employee Ombuds and options generated are used at their discretion. The Employee Ombuds Office differs from Human Resources and other conflict resolution services because it is 独立的 of any formal university process. 如果你的担心需要一个正式的程序, you will be referred to other appropriate resources or office(s). The Employee Ombuds can report anonymous trend data and bring systemic concerns to the University for resolution.



The Employee Ombuds empowers individuals to work through conflicts and concerns by acting as a trusted navigator and safe resource for employees


Ombuds seek to help individuals improve their skill and their confidence for effective conflict resolution. 


Ombuds may interpret and explain University policies and procedures. They may refer to formal University resources or help resolve issues between parties through 非正式的 mediation. 


由于中性, 非正式的, 独立的, and confidential nature of the Ombuds role, 而Ombuds却没有

  • 支持个人/站队
  • Create or maintain records for the organization
  • 提供法律意见
  • Participate in formal investigation or play any role in a formal issue resolution
  • Serve in any other organizational role that would compromise the neutrality of the role
  • 接收组织通知
  • Share personally identifiable information without permission
  • Make binding decisions or mandate policies
  • Conduct formal investigations or write formal investigative reports
  • Keep confidential any imminent risk of serious harm or danger as required by law

参观 国际申诉专员协会 了解更多信息.


​​​​​​​Support is available to you if you feel any of the following

  • 我不知道该怎么做
  • 我在努力避免冲突升级
  • 我觉得自己受到了不公平的待遇
  • I believe that my due process rights have been violated
  • I feel subjected to intimidating, bullying, or toxic behavior
  • 我觉得没人听我说话
  • 我感到无能为力
  • I need coaching on dispute resolution skills
  • I believe the University should improve its policies, procedures, & 治疗模式
  • 我和一个同事之间出了点问题

Book an Appointment Now Utilizing Our QR Code




The Employee Ombuds is located in Lake 密歇根 Hall, Suite 133.  预约是虚拟的.  Call (616) 331-8009 or use this link to book online at 日历- 博天堂官方雇员监察官.

Appointments are also available at Cook-DeVos Center For Health Sciences, Room 568. 301 密歇根 St NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503.

The Employee Ombuds Office will make every attempt to meet you at a time and location that is secure and accessible for you. 

Parking for Lake 密歇根 Hall is located in 很多米. Upon entering the doors near the parking lot, turn right. The office is located on the left-hand side. 


Feel free to check out available resources at our Allendale campus location in Lake 密歇根 Hall, 集# 133.

These titles have been picked specifically by our Employee Ombuds as additional information and support for business and personal interactions and relationships. 我们的任何资源(i.e. books and/or magazines) are available to be checked out through our office. We ask that these materials are returned in a timely manner as to benefit other visitors.  Click on the link below to access our online catalogue:



The 博天堂官方 Employee Ombuds Office would like to recognize the People of the Three Fires: the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi peoples on whose land we are gathered. The Three Fires People are indigenous to this land which means that this is their ancestral territory. Every university is built on stolen, native land. We are guests on their land and one way to practice right relations is to develop genuine ways to acknowledge the histories and traditions of the people who originated here first, 谁还在这里, 总是照料土地的人. 当我们向这片土地致谢时, 我们知道这只是重要的第一步, and that there are many more that we need to take when we decide to engage in the important work of social justice.
