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(wider) Open Doors

recent initiatives increase access to GVSU

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Through development of recent pipeline and financial aid programs, 格兰德谷大学的领导们把大学的大门开得更大了 使学生多样化,反过来又使西密歇根的劳动力多样化.

B. Donta Truss, vice president for Enrollment Development and 教育推广,领导这些项目的建立,他说 drew largely from his own experience as a first-generation college 学生创建程序,使学生更容易参加 college. Truss earned three degrees, including a doctorate in 阿拉巴马州立大学的教育领导力,政策和法律, 美国历史最悠久的黑人学院/大学之一.

“Whenever I enter the room, all of me enters the room: my experiences, my background as a student of color, my background of 我来自一个没有太多机会的小地区,”他说.

“When I’m in a room in a leadership role, it’s important for me to make sure that I’m advocating for voices that might not be heard.”

Javier Guillen

Javier Guillen is the first student from FVSU to enroll at Grand Valley; Guillen joins the cell and molecular biology professional master’s program. (Amanda Pitts)

Diverse workforce

今年4月,特拉斯和帕德诺斯学院院长保罗 工程与计算机学院与福特堡的领导签署了一项协议 山谷州立大学,乔治亚州的一所HBCU,创造了一条途径 为FVSU的学生获得FVSU的学士学位 a master’s degree in engineering or computer science at GVSU in as little as five years.

The first FVSU student, Javier Guillen, arrived on Grand Valley’s campus in June. Guillen stretched the agreement a bit and will earn a master’s degree in cell and molecular biology. Guillen said his interest in the field piqued when he asked himself if a scientist 能做点什么来留住他失败的祖父吗 kidney transplant, alive.

“My family went through these ups and downs with my grandfather’s health and then he passed. I asked myself, ‘On a molecular level, would there have been something a scientist could have done?’” Guillen said.

吉伦是参观格兰德谷和格兰德的12名FVSU学生之一 Rapids in early May. He had a headstart on his peers as Guillen began an email correspondence in the winter with faculty members in two 不同的系,试图找出哪个研究生项目是 the correct fit.

“我已经学过的课程非常适合CMB项目 and I’ll start the professional master’s program,” he said. “I’ll have 我最后一个学期的实习将有助于我进入 the workforce.”

在为期两天的旅行中,普罗特科夫斯基说,适应环境很重要 stops at Grand Rapids businesses. “The interest from the community in 这个项目非常重要,因为它关系到人才招聘和 diversifying the talent pool in West Michigan,” he said. “Our partners 向学生解释学校将如何支持他们 and area businesses if they participate in the program.”

杰西·希尔(Jesse Hill)是软件公司Atomic Object的加速经理 company in Grand Rapids. As FVSU students toured the Wealthy Street 希尔解释说,多元化的员工能让公司更强大.

“汇集不同经验和观点的团队 more creative, and the software they make is more useful to more people,” Hill said. “Everyone uses software; and the people who make it should reflect that.”

FVSU学生参与中心主任LuWanna Williams表示, said the FVSU students had honest conversations with Grand Valley 让学生们了解西密歇根和校园的文化氛围. 

“They will be moving from an HBCU to a predominantly white 这对他们来说是不一样的,但它也在发展 to look different when they get into their careers,” Williams said.

Omar Hall, vice president for sales at NN, Inc., met with FVSU 在转到哈佛大学之前,他讲述了自己在HBCU的经历 the University of Michigan. “My experience transferring into U-M was 这很吓人,因为我的学生人数相对较少 to a very large one,” Hall said. “I would not have survived if it 不是因为密歇根大学提供的资源,这些资源对我很有帮助 being able to navigate the transition.”

Guillen understands what it’s like to be away from FVSU. He 参加了能源合作发展计划,这是一项双重计划 他在德克萨斯大学度过了两个暑假 在奥斯汀的一个项目中担任研究助理 moisture in soil. He said his work saved a small farm $3,000 because the sensors detected soil that was overwatered.

Open hands

Financial help

President Philomena V. Mantella said the Grand Valley Pledge, a tuition-free program introduced in February, will help create opportunities and advance equity in the communities in which the university has a presence.

大峡谷承诺奖励全额本科学费(可再生) for four years) to qualified students from six Michigan counties: Kent, Ottawa, Muskegon, Grand Traverse, Calhoun and Wayne. Students must be admitted to Grand Valley. Beginning with the Fall 2021 学期,学生必须被录取,并有一个家庭 income of less than $50,000.

截至6月,已有600多名学生通过该项目被录取 Pledge program. Truss said the program aligns with the university’s strategic enrollment management plan. 

“GVSU educates learners to shape their lives, and the Grand Valley Pledge ensures that many of these learners will not be left out,” Truss said. “This is a great start to eliminating equity gaps at GVSU. By removing financial barriers to college, deserving students can enroll and be ready to start their path to a degree.”

Pipeline program

Eighth graders at the Detroit Achievement Academy celebrated their 从K-8特许学校得到晋升,因为他们有资格 a new pilot program at Grand Valley designed to encourage college enrollment and assist with their success upon admission. 

特拉斯在11月11日的DAA推广仪式上出人意料地宣布了这一消息 Belle Isle June 3. The school, which opened in 2013, is authorized by Grand Valley. 

The Detroit Achievement Academy Pathway to GVSU is a pipeline 该计划将为DAA学生自动授予GVSU的入学资格 if they meet certain criteria. Students must graduate from a Wayne County high school with 2.8 GPA to qualify, and they must complete college-preparedness workshops offered by GVSU.

An agreement with another charter school, Detroit Edison Public School Academy, was announced in mid-June. DEPSA students who attend 新范式高中将被录取,如果 they meet certain requirements.

特拉斯告诉DAA的学生,他们可以上任何自己喜欢的大学,但是 强调大峡谷将是学生的“绝佳机会” 会因为他们得到的资源和支持而成功吗. 

The resources begin even before DAA or DEPSA students reach campus. 辅导,指导和经济援助咨询将提供给 students as they progress through Detroit high schools.

Mantella said: “Pledges and promises are not enough to close the gaps in pathways to college for students from diverse backgrounds. We 希望这个试点项目能成为未来大学博天堂官方的典范, with Grand Valley leading the way.”

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From early mentoring before entering college to addressing mental health and food insecurity, high school students from across the country on August 5 virtually presented to higher education and 商业领袖们相信他们的方法会帮助所有学生在校园里茁壮成长.

They made their presentations during the national event for REP4, the alliance of 全国六所学院和大学于5月成立 解决许多人在高等教育中面临的紧迫问题 underserved students.

REP4,代表快速教育原型,把力量 establishing equitable systems for public higher education in the hands of learners. The movement has attracted interest from 54 countries and every state. Nearly 1,400 voters cast more than 8,200 votes for the proposals seen during the national convening. 

The next step is for experts at colleges and universities to work with the best ideas from the 12 proposals presented to determine where they're tested and how they progress.

"What we have become is a learning lab for the future, a place where thousands of ideas shaped by diverse students come to life through their lived experience," said President Philomena V. Mantella said during the event.

Grand Valley was the convener of REP4. The five other founding institutions are: Amarillo College, Boise State University, Fort 谷州立大学,圣何塞州立大学和希本斯堡大学.

During their presentations, students described, sometimes from personal experiences, the challenges with food insecurity, mental 健康、经济困难等等都激发了他们改变的想法.

And as the REP4 movement continues, higher education leaders and 其他合作伙伴同意将学生置于努力的核心 is essential.

"At the core is the student, and that's where everybody's attention should be," said Mona Morales, Microsoft U.S. higher 教育行业高管谁是顾问,并担任了一个事件 panelist. "This is unique. This isn't everywhere. This is really truly something special."

Paul Jones, president of Fort Valley State University, said 不断寻找方法融入学生的声音是关键 effort's success. "We have to be very courageous. This isn't the way we normally do business. But it is the way we should be doing this work," he said.