
Watch this 4 minute video highlighting what 490 is all about!

Does the 心理学系 offer course credit 为 internships?

490 我们的心理学实习课程,类似于实习吗. 因为"实习"这个词通常是为心理学领域的研究生培训保留的, 我们用“实习”这个词.“实习课程是学生在潜在的职业兴趣领域发起的有监督的工作经验. 参加这门课程的学生可以通过他们的工作经验和参加两周一次的研讨会来获得学分.


  • 490是一门课程,旨在为学生提供机会,扩大他们对受心理学学科影响的各个工作和学习领域的认识和理解,并且拥有心理学学士学位的学生经常在这些领域发展职业.
  • 学生需要在自己选择的专业场所找到心理学领域的有监督的工作经验.
  • 在一个学期中,学生们将花45个小时在他们的工作现场 每学时 they are registered 为 the class.
  • 学生还将参加每两周一次的小组会议,与实习协调员和其他学生一起参加该课程.


490: Practicum Course Syllabus (pdf)


This course is aimed at students 谁可能不知道它们是什么 would like to pursue in terms of a career or possible graduate 教育. If you are a psychology or behavioral neuroscience major, and you are unsure of what you want to do with your degree, 这门课程可能对你有益,因为它会给你提供 real-world experience in the field of psychology in addition to learning more about other career options and engaging in career preparatory experiences 为 your future.

  • Apply concepts you have learned in your psychology (and other) courses to a professional workplace setting
  • 尝试不同的职业选择
  • Gain practical work experience in a real-world workplace
  • 建立自信,为未来的工作/职位获得竞争优势
  • Network with professionals in your field
  • Build a professional portfolio
  • 获取工作推荐信
  • 了解心理学领域的各种职业选择
  • 获得志愿/无薪或有薪工作经验的课程学分
  • Must be a psychology or behavioral neuroscience major
  • 至少得有2分吧.累积绩点75 *
  • Must be at least a junior standing*
  • 一定上过鸟叔101吧
  • Be为e enrolling in the course, you must also have your work position/placement and have instructor approval (i.e.(通过采访).

* If you do not meet some of these criteria (e.g.,大二 平均绩点低于2分.75) but are very interested in the practicum course, please reach out to Dr. Wildey ( (电子邮件保护) ). Typically, an additional letter of recommendation from another 须经教授及实习协调人批准 order 为 any exceptions to be made to these criteria.

490通常在秋季,冬季和春季/夏季提供 每年学期数.

Currently, we limit each course to 12 students.


  1. 确保你 满足要求 为 the course as 列表ed above. 观看上面列出的4分钟视频,以确保您了解课程的细节.
  2. 电子邮件 Dr. Wildey 你对这门课很感兴趣,你打算在哪学期上这门课,她会的 预定一个位置 对你们来说.
  3. 检查 课程安排 to ensure the course meeting time works. 如果没有,你就需要重新安排你的日程安排. 提示: 因为在完成以下所有步骤之前,您无法注册490, 在你能正式注册490之前,在你的日程安排中设置一个临时课程.
  4. 找一个工作岗位. 这可以是一个有薪或无薪的职位,也可以是一个远程职位. It must be within the field of psychology. 提示: 最好在学期开始前1-3个月找到一份工作,这样你就可以找到一份工作,并完成注册课程的所有步骤.
  5. 一旦你有了一个工作地点, 问问你的主管 (最能评估你日常工作表现的人)如果他们同意你参加这门课程的话. 你可以用这个 手机文字输入的软件 和他们交流. 
  6. 决定 多少学时? 你想上这门课. You can register 为 1 to 6 credits. 你注册的每一个学分等于45个小时,你必须在整个学期(秋季/冬季学期为15周)在工地工作, spring/summer semester is 12 weeks long). You cannot sign up 为 more credits than the hours you plan to work, but you can sign up 为 fewer credits.
  7. 完成一个 实习协议书.
    • 在表格上, 将“主管”列为最能评估你在工作场所表现的人,以及监督你在工作场所工作的人.
    • 由于本表格属通用表格,请在“描述”栏内填写以下资料:
      • 首先对你将要从事的工作类型做一个简短的描述(2-3句话).
      • 请写下你计划每周在现场工作的小时数. If it is a range, please include that range of hours.
      • 在第2条列出的工作时间中,你大概有多少小时是面对面工作的.e., in person) with clients/patients (i.e.,在你的工作场所寻求服务的人,而不是其他员工或工人)。? 如果你不打算与客户/病人面对面工作,请写零. 我知道你们可能不知道要面对面工作多少个小时, so please provide your best estimate or provide a range. 你也可以提供你计划与客户/病人面对面的工作时间的百分比.
      • 请列出4个你计划从事的工作的具体学习目标. 这些可以在您的工地主管的帮助下进行讨论和生成. 可以考虑一些例子:学习一项新技能或改进现有技能, exposure to a new experience/area of psychology, improving professional development/communication with others, experience 为 a future work job or graduate school, 为将来的工作或研究生院获得推荐信/工作参考, 等.
  8. After you complete the 为m, please 博士的邮件. Wildey 安排时间安排时间 面试 与她的. 在你与她见面并获得她的批准后,你会得到如何注册的详细信息.

列表 of current sites at which many students have already found work 有经验. Feel free to look at the 列表, but you are 也欢迎大家找到适合自己的工作体验机会 count as long as it relates to the field of psychology. 如果你有 any questions about an experience and whether or not it counts, you can contact the internship coordinator.  

登录 握手 为 additional job or internship opportunities.

To register 为 at least one credit of 490, you must work at least 45 hours at your worksite over the course of the semester. 的 fall and winter semesters are 15 weeks long, and the spring/summer semester is considered 12 weeks long. You can enroll in the class 为 anyw在这里 between 1 and 6 credits. Here is the credit breakdown 为 how many hours you must complete in a given semester.

  • 1学分= 45学时
  • 2学分= 90学时
  • 3学分= 135学时
  • 4学分= 180学时
  • 5学分= 225学时
  • 6学分= 270学时

注意: You can always register 为 fewer credit hours than the hours you plan to work, but you cannot register 为 more credits. 例如, 如果你计划在整个工作期间每周工作10个小时 fall semester, you could register 为 as few as 1 credit hour or as 多达3个学时.

绝对不是! In the field of psychology, t在这里 are many wonderful 还有志愿者的机会,这些也会对你的 实习的经验.

No. You must be enrolled in 490 during the same semester that you 有现场位置吗.

No. Once you register 为 the semester, you are locked into the credits you have signed up 为.

No, un为tunately, you can only take it during one semester.

For some students who are working at sites w在这里 they will have direct patient contact, some additional health 合规措施 might be necessary through GVSU (e.g., certain immunizations, online 卫生培训). 的 internship coordinator will discuss these 根据您的工作地点和工作需要的要求 你打算做什么?. Note that 为 some students, the health compliance measures are not an option; they would be a requirement of the course and t在这里 may be additional financial costs associated with the 合规措施.

本课程一般每隔一周开一次课 大约两个小时. Please see the 课程安排 in Banner 为 exact times, but generally, the course is on Tuesday mornings.

A general syllabus can be found 在这里 and outlines the types of assignments and workload to expect 为 the seminar course. 所有这些工作都是在室外进行的 of the hours you are required to do at your worksite.

490 is graded using a pass/fail system. 如果你完成了 课程要求及取得所需分数(参见课程大纲),你会通过这门课的.


Dr. 米希拉·威尔迪 (电子邮件保护)

Page last modified March 15, 2023