学生 Complaint 和 Concern Process



If a student has an issue or concern, the student should contact the appropriate office to seek additional information.

  • An overview of reporting incidents, including 匿名报告,可在 报告的网站.
  • 学术的不满,请参阅 学术申诉程序 在目录中.    (Academic grievances are generally defined as those involving procedures, 政策, 以及课程的成绩.)
  • 第九条机构公平问题 (e.g. sexual misconduct, harassment, 歧视), 联系教育法第九条办公室.
  • 其他问题或 concerns involving other students,联络 Office of 学生 Conduct 和 Conflict Resolution.
  • 为 a concern involving a faculty or staff member that is 不是学术上的不满, 第九条 or 机构公平问题,请参阅下面的程序.
  • 一般性问题和指导; contact the 教务处 or the 学生Ombuds.
    • Among other responsibilities, the 教务处 serves as an information resource for students 和 campus colleagues.
    • 学生Ombuds strives to promote fairness 和 foster a positive campus environment by assisting students with conflict resolution 和 problem-solving related to their university working, 学习, 或者生活经历.



提交 事件报告在此

  • 的 University defines a “campus climate incident” as any instance where someone feels belittled, disrespected, or isolated based on 他们的身份.
    • Furthermore, the incident does not have to be a crime under any federal, state, or local laws.
  • If you have any questions, please contact the Lead Civil Rights 调查员 & Deputy 第九条 Coordinator at (616) 331-2242.

提交 气候事件报告

  • 医疗报告  - To refer a student who may be struggling with academic, personal, or emotional difficulties or who may exhibit concerning 行为.  
    • If you have any questions, please contact Emily First, Assistant Dean of 学生s, at (616) 331-3585.

提交 CARE报告

  • 使苦恼, 报告一个n individual or a University Affiliated Organization for the violation of GVSU's 被欺侮 Policy.
    • GVSU的描述 被欺侮 policy 和更多的 information about the student conduct process 和 resolution procedures can be found 在 
    • 以下是 欺侮的例子 是由 Office of 学生 Conduct 和 Conflict Resolution. 
    • If you have any questions, please contact the Office of 学生 Conduct 和 Conflict Resolution, at (616) 331-3585 or (电子邮件保护).

提交 事件报告在此


的 following procedures are for raising a concern involving a faculty or staff member that is 不是学术上的不满 和 is not under the purview of the 第九条 office. 非学术问题 include allegations of inappropriate 行为.

  • 关注事项的讨论
    • After experiencing or 学习 of the incident or concern, 学生应该:

      • 联系 the 主管 of the faculty or staff member. 
        • 为 a faculty member, this is the unit head/department chair of the relevant academic department. 
        • 为 a staff member, this may be a director, associate 主管或类似职位.
        • If unsure of whom to contact, the student can contact the 教务处 ((616) 331-3585 (电子邮件保护))或 学生Ombuds office for assistance.
        • If you need help deciding what to do or how to have those conversations, seek out the assistance of the 学生Ombuds at (616) 331-2491 or
    • Communication with the 主管 can occur via e-mail, phone, Zoom, an in-person meeting, or some combination.  主管 is expected to respond within five working days.  主管 will seek to underst和 the nature of the concern, collect any relevant documentation, 和 determine whether it can be resolved informally or should be referred to a different office.  基于 on the facts of the matter, the 主管 may decide to speak with the faculty or staff member about whom the student is raising the concern, 和 if warranted, pursue appropriate 行政行为.


If student wishes to pursue further resolution of the matter, they may appeal to the appropriate appointing officer.  如果不清楚 who the appointing officer is, the student can contact the Dean of 学生s Office or the 学生Ombuds for assistance. 如果 主管 is the appointing officer, then the student may appeal to the appropriate executive officer, usually a Vice President/Provost.    

A response to the student is expected within ten working days of 收到上诉.  的 appointing officer (or executive officer) may communicate with the student about the appeal 和 will determine a 最终解决方案.  的re are no further appeals in this process.

  • 学生的不当行为 -举报违反…的行为 University or 学生守则政策.

提交 事件报告在此

  • 学生组织失当行为 - 报告一个 Registered 学生 Organization for the violation of University or 学生守则政策.

提交 事件报告在此


提交 第九条报告
