战略规划 & 评估


学生事务处 is revisiting our strategic planning to better align with 2025年实现更高目标.  The newly formed DSA Reach Higher Committee will be working on this effort.

Andy Beachnau,战略规划主席 & 评估 Committee, Assistant Vice President Office for Student Affairs

科琳·贝利,住房部 & 居住生活

Melissa Baker-Boosamra, Office of Student Life 

Brian Bossick,大学咨询中心


DL McKinney, LGBT资源中心



Daphnea Sutherland, Children's Enrichment Center

我是残疾人支持资源的Shontaye Witcher

Areas that support student success must be thoughtfully planned in support of the Grand Valley mission and aligned with university accreditation standards of the 高等教育委员会 in order to continue to provide a high quality, student-centered experience.


学生事务处’ work is guided by 博天堂官方’s institutional mission, 学生事务处, 以及我们部门的使命, 愿景, and values; this work directs the efforts of our individual units as we partner with students.

In order to advance our mission and 愿景, we set strategic objectives that we report on annually.  Acknowledging our commitment to student learning outside the classroom setting, we have developed a set of student learning outcomes that are foundational to our work, and which we also report on annually (like our strategic objectives).  Each of the units within Student Affairs develop unit missions, 愿景, 以及特定于这些领域的价值.  Through an annual reporting process for both strategic planning and student learning, units stay committed to a culture of continuous improvement.  在我们单位的战略计划范围内, units evaluate ongoing efforts to support students and report on objectives (e.g. 利用,满意度,学生学习).  Within unit student learning outcomes (or student-centered outcomes), units report annually on at least 1-2 student learning outcomes influenced by the di愿景al student learning outcomes.

每年, 以完成考核预期, Student Affairs staff must make meaning of what we learned during the assessment process (utilizing data to inform decisions, 作为决策结果的计划行动, describing significance of findings and implications for future work).

规划 & 评估

学生事务处 uses information provided by the Office of 制度分析 and Di愿景 of 包容 and 股本 to provide relevant programs and 服务 for the Lakers of today.


包容 & 公平气候研究

包容 & 公平校园气候事件摘要

学生事务处 strategic plan is a living document 与大学战略计划相联系. 进度每年更新一次.  


博天堂官方 2025年实现更高目标

The process of program review includes: self-assessment, benchmarking, external reviewer visit, and action plan.

The self-assessment component involves modified use of the Self-评估 Guide created by the Council for the Advancement of 高等教育标准(CAS).

    学生事务处 develops programs and initiatives around the robust set of Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP) Essential 学习成果 as articulated by the 美国医学会 大专院校(AAC&U).

    规划 & 评估过程





    DSA will work to engage all students in programs, 服务, and activities that help students build connections and enhance community


    (1a) Revise orientation, summer modules, and first six weeks to enhance retention

    (1b) improve learning experiences through co-curricular opportunities that help achieve learner outcomes for all participants.  具体来说,学生就业

    (1c) Remove barriers to programs and 服务 for low-income students that inhibit participation; fees, 小时, 和频率


    (1a)衡量前六周的留存率, 参加活动, 参与学生模块, 以及学生的总体满意度



    (1a) First Year Experience, Parents and Supporter

    (1bc) DSA营销委员会



    DSA will improve student and family’s ability to navigate campus culture and resources


    (2a) Create a comprehensive communication strategy for students and parents

    (2b) Consolidate 学生事务处 Communications and Marketing.


    (2a) Conduct student and parent surveys to determine awareness of resources (i.e. DSA通讯)

    (2b) Develop a complete annual inventory of methods used for communication



    (2b) DSA营销委员会



    Elevate student health and well-being focus within DSA


    (3a)聘请副总裁负责学生事务 & 包容

    (3b) Increase student participation in the ACHA survey

    (3c) Well-Being Collective will develop and advance a strategic plan for student well-being




    (3c)学生健康战略计划 & 幸福


    (3a) VPSA和遴选委员会

    (3bc) AVP为学生的福祉 & 包容 & 幸福的集体



    DSA will integrate the DEI-AB Framework of equity and social justice into its daily efforts


    (4a) Build cultural competency into job descriptions of all DSA employees

    (4b) Every employee will have a personal professional development goal around Diversity, 股本, 包容, 可访问性, 和归属感

    (4c) Increase employees of color within the 学生事务处


    (4a) DSA单位DEI-AB进度报告

    (4b) DSA DEIB Committee will collect di愿景 progress  quarterly through surveys and department reports

    (4c) HR, OIA, I&E


    (4a) Hiring Manager of each search process in consultation with 包容 Advocate DSA DEI committee to help develop the statement and share


    VPSA (4 c)


    The mission of 博天堂官方’s Di愿景 of Students Affairs is:   

    提升, 挑战, and empower all learners to develop their passions and purpose in a healthy, 包容, 公平的环境. 学生事务处 positively impacts the university through engaging experiential learning and exceptional student support.


    Every learner will belong, persist, and create meaningful lives, careers, and communities.  


    • 促进多样性、公平和正义 
    • 创建关爱社区 和尊重  
    • 拥抱合作与创意  
    • 授权体验式和参与式学习 
    • 增进健康和福祉  
    • 跨越差异寻求理解  
